Baumer Electric AG
Frauenfeld, Switzerland
8 Emergency Service
If there is an error on the device, the device commits an emergency message and sets the corresponding bits in the error
register (Object 1001h).
Error codes are accessible by the error field (object 1003h-x). A history of maximal 8 error codes is stored in the error
The COB-ID for the emergency message can be modified in object 1014h.
Default Value: 80h + node ID
Changes will be applied immediately.
The COB-ID is stored internally as a difference to the default COB-ID. Example:
Node ID: 1
COB-ID Emergency: 81h (Default value)
COB-ID Emergency: 87h (Changed by user)
Node ID: 3
COB-ID Emergency: 89h (Adapted automatic)
Emergency message
The format of the emergency messages is according to CiA 301. Additionally, the encoder sends the warning and alarm
fields (object 6503h, 6505h).
The emergency message is transmitted if an error is indicated in the error register.
DLC Byte0 Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 4
Byte 5
Byte 6
Byte 7
80h+node ID
Error code
Error register
(object 1001h)
Manufacturer specific
Alarms 6503h
Warning 6505h
Not used
Error register
Error register (object 1001h)
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Communication error
Temperature error
Generic error
Communication error
Communication errors are indicated if the internal CAN message buffers are overflowed or there are malformed CAN
frames on the bus. After a communication error the corresponding operation (described in object 1029h-1) is executed.
Temperature error
This error is indicated, when the internal temperature of the encoder is above a certain threshold level, at which the
position can’t be guaranteed.
Generic error
A generic error is indicated for all other errors.
An encoder specific alarm or error will also cause a generic error.
After a generic error the corresponding operation (described in object 1029h-2) is executed.