Rev. 3.1 (08.2020)
Typical operation parameters
mp6-hyb and mp6-pi
The description here applies to the medium water. For the delivery of gases, please read the section to mp6-gas.
Please note that the regular mp6-hyb, as well as the mp6-liq can also pump gases, but has not been specially
measured for this purpose.
To achieve individual flow rates and optimal flow conditions, the driving parameters need to be tested, optimized and
confirmed by testing under full application conditions. The typical flow rates given by us have been determined
an mp-x controller with SRS wave form.
Please refer to the corresponding manual for operation of the mp-x
If lower flow rates are required, it is advisable to use a restrictor for throttling and to operate the pump at the
recommended parameters.
As a general experimental approach, we recommend a high amplitude at varying frequencies. The performance
depends on the environmental conditions.
Driving the micropump with the controller mp-x at 300 Hz with 250 V, flow rates of typ. min. 20 ml/min and
backpressures of typ. min. 100 mbar can be achieved.
In general, for driving the pump with air the following points should be taken into account:
Higher frequencies should be used (compared to pumping water).
Large amplitudes respectively driving voltages should be used.
With low frequencies and amplitudes, the volume flow and pressure generation is rather weak due to the passive
character of the valves inside the micropump. These valves are more effective with fast and high pressure changes
induced by the actuator.
If the desired flow rates should be small, the application of a restrictor is recommended. Please contact us about the
right choice of the restrictor!
Please note the different frequency ranges of the control units.
To minimize audible noise, using the sine signal is recommended.
The signal has influence on volume flow and back pressure, thereby applies rectangular > SRS > sine.
Again the following applies to the media water. Note that the mp6-pp can pump gases too, but is not specifically
measured for it.
To achieve individual flow rates and optimal flow conditions, the driving parameters need to be tested, optimized and
confirmed by testing under full application conditions. The typical flow rates given by us have been determined
an mp-x controller with SRS wave form.
Please refer to the corresponding manual for operation of the mp-x