Manual 2100-749
10 of 68
Circuit 1 utilizes a 2 stage scroll compressor while
circuit 2 uses a single stage compressor. Both circuits
are equipped with an electronic expansion valve that
is used to control superheat of each circuit. Liquid
temperature and pressure are measured to provide
a calculated subcooling for each circuit. Suction
temperature and pressure are also measured to provide
a calculated superheat for each circuit.
Using both circuit 1 and circuit 2, the MEGA-TEC unit
can provide 35%, 80% and 100% cooling capacity.
Separate refrigeration circuits also allow for operation
of the unit at partial capacity if service is required on
one circuit.
A/C Circuit Information can be found in four screens
within the information menu (see Figure 8). The
information and measurements provided are liquid line
temperature, liquid line pressure, condensing saturated
temperature, suction line temperature, suction line
pressures, suction saturated temperature, super heat,
subcooling and electronic expansion valve position.
24 Hour Run Time
The Last 24 Hour Tracking screens display unit run
times over the last 24 hour period (see Figure 7). The
column displays the active times the component(s)
were in ON state, while the
(Start) column shows the
number of starts or times the component changed from
an OFF to an ON state.
Software Version
The Software Version screen displays all program
version information for the PLC (see Figure 9). This
information can be used to determine whether a
software update may be required.
A/C Circuit Measurements
Last 24 Hour Tracking