Manual 2100-643C
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• If conditions outside are not conducive to free
cooling, the control board will send:
1. 24VAC signal from N02 to CCM (Compressor)
2. 24VDC from terminal N07 (Blower Motor Start
3. 0-10VDC signal from Y1 (Speed Voltage)
Heating Call
When a call for heating generates from the controller,
the control board will send:
1. 24VAC signal from terminal N04 to heat strip
2. 24VDC from terminal N07 (Blower Motor Start
3. 0-10VDC signal from terminal Y1 (Motor Speed)
Loss of Utility Power
When AC power is lost to the unit (no shore power,
no generator), the AC power loss relay will send a
digital input to terminal DI 1, alerting the board. If
the temperature outside is warmer than the shelter
internal temperature, the units will remain static. If
the temperature outside is cooler than the internal
temperature and there is a generated cooling call, the
control board will send:
1. 2-10VDC Signal from terminal Y2 (Damper Signal)
Modulates damper to achieve 55°F at supply
air temperature sensor
2. 24VDC from terminal N07 (Blower Motor Start
3. 0-10VDC signal from terminal Y1 (Motor Speed)
Wall-Mount Unit Control Board
Power Loss Relay
Dirty Filter Switch
High Pressure/Comp Control Module
Low Pressure Switch
Damper Blade Switch
0-10VDC Indoor Blower Speed Signal
2-10VDC Free-Cooling Damper Signal
24VDC from 48VDC-24VDC Converter
24VDC Output to Blower Motor Start Relay
24VAC Heating Output
24VAC Input
24VAC Input
24VAC Compressor Output
– Communication Wire
+ Communication Wire
24VDC to OA Humidity Sensor
OA Hum Sensor 4-20mA
RA Temp Sensor 10kΩ
OA Temp Sensor 10kΩ
Supply Air Sensor 10kΩ
+24VDC from Power Converter
–24VDC from Power Converter
Freezestat Sensor 10kΩ