Note: The response time of the Safety Outputs can increase if a large number of blocks are added
to the configuration. Use the function and logic blocks efficiently to achieve the optimum response
3. Create the appropriate connections between added inputs, Function and Logic Blocks, and Safety Outputs.
Note: The Check List on the left displays connections that are required for a valid configuration
and all items must be completed. The Safety Controller will not accept an invalid configuration.
Tip: To aid with creating a valid configuration, the program displays helpful tooltips if you attempt
to make an invalid connection.
8.4 Saving and Confirming a Configuration
Confirmation is a verification process where the Safety Controller analyzes the configuration generated by the Software for
logical integrity and completeness. The user must review and approve the results before the configuration can be saved and
used by the Safety Controller. Once confirmed, the configuration can be sent to a Safety Controller or saved on a PC or an
SC-XM2/3 drive.
• Complete the Commissioning Checkout Procedure
• Failure to follow the commissioning process may lead to serious injury or death.
• After confirming the configuration, the Safety Controller operation must be fully tested
(commissioned) before it can be used to control any hazards.
Saving a Configuration:
1. Click
Save Project.
2. Select Save As.
3. Navigate to the folder where you wish to save the configuration.
4. Name the file (may be the same or different from the configuration name).
5. Click Save.
Confirming a Configuration (the Safety Controller must be powered up and connected to the PC via the SC-USB2 cable):
1. Click
2. Click Write Configuration to Controller.
3. If prompted, enter the password (default password is 1901).
The Entering config-mode screen opens.
4. Click Continue to enter the configuration mode.
After the Reading Configuration from the Controller process is completed, the Confirm Configuration screen opens.
5. Verify that the configuration is correct.
6. Scroll to the end of the configuration and click Confirm.
7. After the Writing Configuration To Controller process is completed, click Close.
• Network settings are sent separately from the configuration settings. Click Send from the
Network Settings window to write the network settings to the Safety Controller.
• SC10-2: Network settings are automatically sent only if the SC10-2 is a factory default
Safety Controller. Otherwise, use the Network Settings window.
• SC10-2: Passwords are automatically written only if the SC10-2 is a factory default Safety
Controller and the configuration is confirmed. In any other case, use the Password
Manager window to write passwords to an SC10-2.
If you are configuring an SC10-2, the Do you want to change the passwords of the controller? screen may display.
8. SC10-2 only: If prompted and if desired, change the SC10-2 passwords.
9. Cycle power or perform a System Reset for the changes to take effect in the Safety Controller.
XS/SC26-2 and SC10-2 Safety Controllers
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767