7.7.2 Virtual ON/OFF and Mute Enable
7.8.1 XS/SC26-2 Solid-State Safety Outputs
7.9.1 Status Output Signal Conventions
7.9.2 Status Output Functionality
8.2 Adding Inputs and Status Outputs
8.2.1 Adding Safety and Non-Safety Inputs
8.3 Designing the Control Logic
8.4 Saving and Confirming a Configuration
8.4.1 Notes on Confirming or Writing a Configuration to a Configured SC10-2
8.5 XS/SC26-2 Sample Configuration
9.8.2 EtherNet/IP Assembly Objects
9.8.3 Industrial Ethernet: Table Row and Column Descriptions
9.8.4 Fault Log Support Tables
9.13 Viewing and Importing Controller Data
10 XS/SC26-2 Onboard Interface
10.1 XS/SC26-2 Configuration Mode
11.1 Schedule of Required Checkouts
11.2 Commissioning Checkout Procedure
11.2.1 Verifying System Operation
11.2.2 Initial Setup, Commissioning, and Periodic Checkout Procedures
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12 Status and Operating Information
12.3 Live Mode Information: Software
12.4 Live Mode Information: Onboard Interface
12.6 Recovering from a Lockout
12.7 SC10-2 Using Automatic Terminal Optimization
12.8 SC10-2 Example Configuration without Automatic Terminal Optimization
12.10 SC10-2 Reset the Safety Controller to Factory Defaults
13.1 Software: Troubleshooting
13.3 Verifying Driver Installation
13.4 Finding and Fixing Faults
13.4.1 XS/SC26-2 Fault Code Table
13.4.2 SC10-2 Fault Code Table
XS/SC26-2 and SC10-2 Safety Controllers