Signal Conventions
Active = PNP On
Active = PNP Off
Status Output State
Status Output State
+24 V dc
24 V dc
Track Output Logical State
Logically On
Logically Off
Logically On
Logically Off
Track Function Block State (XS/
SC26-2 FID 2 only and SC10-2)
Waiting for Manual Reset
Reset Needed
Not Satisfied
Reset Needed
Not Satisfied
System Lockout
Run Mode
Run Mode
7.9.2 Status Output Functionality
SC10-2: Up to four convertible inputs may be used as a Status Output.
XS/SC26-2: Up to 32 convertible inputs or Safety Outputs may be used as a Status Output. Solid-State Safety Outputs may
be split and used as Status Outputs. Relay Safety Outputs cannot be used as Status Outputs and cannot be split.
Status Outputs can be configured to perform the following functions:
Indicates when a particular Safety Input is bypassed.
Indicates a muting active status for a particular mutable Safety Input:
• On when a mutable input is muted
• Off when a mutable input is not muted
• Flashing when the conditions to start a mute-dependent override exist (an inactive muting cycle, the
mutable Safety Input is in the stop state, and at least one muting sensor is in the stop (blocked) state); not
available for Virtual Status Output
• On during an active mute-dependent override function (not a bypass function) of a mutable Safety Input
Output Delay In Progress
Indicates if either On- or Off-Delay is active.
Track Input
Indicates the state of a particular Safety Input.
Track Input Fault
Indicates when a particular Safety Input has a fault.
Track Any Input Fault
Indicates when any Safety Input has a fault.
Track Input Group
Indicates the state of a group of Safety Inputs, for example, which Safety Input turned off first. Once this function
has been indicated, the function may be re-enabled by a configured Reset Input. Up to three Input Groups can be
Track Output
Indicates the physical state of a particular Safety Output (On or Off).
Track Output Fault
Indicates when a particular Safety Output has a fault.
Track Output Fault All
Indicates a fault from any Safety Output.
Track Output Logical State
Indicates the logical state of a particular Safety Output. For example, the logical state is Off but the Safety Output is
in an Off-Delay and not physically off yet.
Track Function Block State (XS/SC26-2 FID 2 Only and SC10-2)
Indicates the state of a particular Function Block.
Waiting for Manual Reset
Indicates a particular configured reset is needed.
XS/SC26-2 and SC10-2 Safety Controllers
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