Status Outputs and Virtual Status Outputs
Using the Software, the SC10-2 can be configured for up to 256 virtual status outputs to communicate information over the
network. These outputs have the capability to send non-safety status signals to devices such as programmable logic
controllers (PLCs) or human machine interfaces (HMIs). See
on page 61 for more information.
The SC10-2 has four convertible I/Os (labeled IOx) that can be used as Status Outputs to directly control indicator lights or
be hard wired inputs to PLCs. These outputs communicate the same information as the virtual status outputs.
• Status Outputs and Virtual Status Outputs are not safety outputs and can fail in either the On or
the Off state.
• If a Status Output or a Virtual Status Output is used to control a safety-critical application, a
failure to danger is possible and may lead to serious injury or death.
• Never use a Status Output or Virtual Status Output to control any safety-critical applications.
Automatic Terminal Optimization (ATO) Feature
with External Terminal Blocks (ETB)
Automatic Terminal Optimization (ATO) Feature with External Terminal Blocks (ETB) is a standard feature on all SC10
models and is enabled by default.
The ATO feature can expand the 10 terminals on the SC10-2 to work with additional inputs by optimizing terminals and
using ETBs. As devices are added, deleted or edited, the Software automatically provides the optimum terminal assignment
to minimize wiring and maximize terminal utilization.
ATO is a smart feature that provides all available device types and configuration options as a configuration is created. After
all IN and I/O terminals are occupied and another device is added, ATO looks for devices that r24 V test pulses
from the Safety Controller. These devices are combined via an External Terminal Block (ETB) to free up an I/O terminal.
Each ETB allows for up to three different devices to share a single I/O +24 V signal.
Disable ATO by editing the module properties of the SC10 in the Software, if preferred. ETBs will still be active, but you will
be required to re-assign I/O terminals manually as needed to fully optimize terminal utilization.
XS/SC26-2 and SC10-2 Safety Controllers
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