Amber LED and Green LED Flash in Unison
4 flash repeating sequence
Network not enabled in the configuration
5+ flash repeating sequence
Contact Banner Engineering
PROFINET Flash Command
The base module LEDs flash at a
rate of twice per second for 4
The flashing LEDs indicate that the base module is connected. It is the result of the "Flash LED" command from
the PROFINET network.
LED Status
Use the following table to determine the status of the Safety Controller.
The LEDs are always on unless the Safety Controller is off.
Initialization Mode
Green On for 0.5 s
Red On for 0.5 s
Off for 0.5 s minimum
Power applied
Power/Fault (1)
Green: Solid
24 V dc connected
Green: Flashing
Configuration or Manual Power-Up mode
Configuration via SC-XM3: Cycle Power
Red: Flashing
Non-operating Lockout condition
USB (1)
Green: Solid
USB cable connected or SC-XM3 plugged in
Green: Flashing
Factory default Safety Controller; no USB cable connected or SC-XM3 plugged in
Green: Fast flashing for 3 s, then
Configured (locked or unlocked) SC-XM3 plugged into a factory default Safety Controller;
the configuration, network settings, and passwords transfer from the SC-XM3 to the Safety
Green: Flashing for 3 s, then solid
Configured and unlocked SC-XM3 plugged into a configured Safety Controller with a
matching configuration and matching passwords
Note: If there are mismatched network settings, the network settings
transfer from the Safety Controller to an unlocked SC-XM3. Network
settings do not transfer to a locked SC-XM3.
Green: Flashing for 3 s, then Red:
Configured and locked SC-XM3 plugged into a configured Safety Controller with a matching
configuration and matching passwords, but mismatched network settings
Red: Solid
Configured Safety Controller; no USB cable connected or SC-XM3 plugged in
XS/SC26-2 and SC10-2 Safety Controllers
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767