7.4.5 Calculating the Communication Timeout for a DX80 Star
In the DX80 network, all Node data is automatically collected at the Gateway to be read. The DXM1200 does not use the
wireless network to access the data, which allows for much faster messaging and much lower timeout values.
For a DXM1200 with an internal DX80 Gateway, set the timeout value 0.5 seconds. If other Modbus slave devices are
connected to the RS-485 lines, the timeout parameter governs all communication transactions and must be set to
accommodate all devices on the bus.
7.5 Modbus TCP Client
The DXM1200 can operate as a Modbus TCP client on Ethernet. Users may define up to five socket connections for
Modbus TCP server devices to read Modbus register data over Ethernet. Use the DXM Configuration Software to define and
configure Modbus TCP client communications with other Modbus TCP servers.
Sure Cross
DXM1200-Bx Wireless Controller
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767