b) Create a username and password (use an email address for the username).
c) Enter your payment information and mailing address.
4. Go to the Activate a New Device Here section.
5. Enter the SIM Number (ICCID) and the Module Number (IMEI).
The ICCID is the 20-digit number of the SIM, the bottom barcode number on the SIM card carrier. If the carrier card
is not available, the ICCID is also printed on the SIM card, but must be removed from its socket to be read. The IMEI
is the 15-digit number on top of the 4G LTE device.
6. Click Activate.
Note: Although new activations are typically functional in 20 minutes or less, it may take up to 24
hours for the cellular plan to become active on the wireless network.
Configure the DXM Controller for a Cellular Modem
Use the DXM Configuration Software to create a configuration using a cellular connection.
Important: Only the DXM100 and DXM150 models offer SMS/text messaging capabilities.
1. Go to the Settings > Cloud Services screen.
2. Set the Push Interface to Cell
All push data, SMS messages, or email alerts will be sent using the cellular modem.
3. Go to the Settings > Cellular screen. Under the Cell Configuration section, select the Cell module from the drop-
down list.
North America
For Verizon LTE/CATM modems, select VZW LTE/CATM and set the APN to vzwinternet. For ATT
LTE/CATM modems, select ATT LTE/CATM. Requires a SIM module to be purchased from a
wireless carrier based on the IMEI number of the cellular modem. The wireless carrier will provide
the APN parameters. Not all parameters may be required.
Outside of
North America
For GSM modems, select GSM 3G and set the APN based on your provider's settings. Requires
a SIM module to be purchased with a cellular carrier to activate the DXM1200 cellular capability.
The wireless carrier will provide the APN parameters. Not all parameters may be required.
4. To send data to the webserver, complete the parameters on the Settings > Cloud Services screen. Set the Cloud
push interval and the Web Server settings. (For more information, refer to the DXM Configuration Software
Instruction Manual (p/n
When the DXM1200 is configured to use the cellular modem, the information on the cellular modem is found on the LCD
menu under System Info > Cell. The menu does not display values until a transaction with the wireless cell tower is
If there are no webserver parameters defined, the user must force a push to retrieve the data from the cellular network. On
the LCD menu, select Push > Trigger Data Push.
Obtaining LTE service outside of Banner CDS—Customers have the option of securing a data plan for the Verizon network
themselves without using the Banner Connected Data Solutions by Sensonix platform. Suitable plans would include those
available from Verizon directly or from a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) licensed to resell Verizon network data
plans. (The SXI-LTE-001 will not function on AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint networks.) When purchasing a data plan, it is
important to refer to the modem by its official Verizon network name,
and give the IMEI number (found on the
cellular modem) to the plan provider. To use the SIM card that comes with the cellular modem kit, give the SIM card number
to the provider. The required SIM card form factor is 3FF - Micro.
Sure Cross
DXM1200-Bx Wireless Controller
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767