To configure the DXM1200, connect the provided Pico-to-Ethernet cable to both the DXM1200 and a computer or local
area network. The computer and DXM must have IP addresses from the same network. After the configuration file is saved,
upload the XML configuration file to the DXM1200 for operation.
This quick start guide outlines the basic operations to set up a DXM1200 using the configuration software. For a more
comprehensive explanation of features, refer to the DXM Configuration Software Instruction Manual (p/n
For a complete list of all associated product documentation, go to
Product Support and Maintenance
2.2.2 Configuration Example: Reading Registers on a Modbus Slave
The opening page of the DXM Configuration Software displays the Local Registers tab. The local registers are the main
global pool of registers that are defined by the user to store data within the DXM1200. The bottom status bar displays the
communications status, application status, and the DXM Configuration Software version.
In this short example, we will configure the DXM1200 to read six registers on an external Modbus Slave device and save the
data into the local registers.
Step 1: Define the Local Registers
Change the name and parameter settings for each Local Register under the Local Registers in Use screen. You may change
them individually (Edit Register) or in groups (Modify Multiple Registers).
Figure 6. Modify Multiple Registers - Configuration Example
1. Click on the Modify Multiple Registers section of the Local Registers in Use screen. Use this screen to quickly
modify multiple local registers at a time.
2. Select the range of registers to change.
3. Select the fields to change in each local register. In our example, registers one through six will be changed and the
names will be GPS Reg followed by an auto-incremented number. This example will also change the LCD
permissions flag to Set, then Read to allow the values of the local registers to display on the LCD.
4. Click Modify Registers to apply your changes.
Step 2: Read the Registers
Under Register Mapping, the Read Rules or Write Rules interact with the Local Registers to exchange data with external
Modbus devices.
This example screen shows a read rule created to read six registers (address 1 through 6), from Modbus Slave 4. The
results are stored in the Local Registers 1 through 6.
Figure 7. Read Rules - Configuration Example
1. Go to the Register Mapping > RTU or Modbus TCP > Read Rules tab to define a Modbus read rule.
2. Click Add Read Rule.
3. Click the arrow next to the new rule to display all parameters.
Sure Cross
DXM1200-Bx Wireless Controller
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767