3.5.4 Adjust Switch Point Two
The AdjSPt2 option manually adjusts the value of the switch point two threshold for the Discrete Output when the sensor is
in Window mode. The value is adjustable with the sensor's range. It is required to be maintain the minimum window size
between switch points. This menu is not available when the sensor is in Switch, Alarm, or Health mode.
Remote Input: Not available
Default: 12000 mm for LTF12; 24000 mm for LTF24
3.5.5 TEACH Switch Point
The TchSPt option teaches the distance at which the switch point threshold is placed when the Discrete Output is in Switch
mode. This menu is not available when the sensor is in Window, Alarm, or Health mode.
Navigate: MENU > Dx_OUT > TchSPt
Remote Input: Available
Button Instructions
1. Present the target.
Present the target. The target must be within the sensor's range.
The target's distance measurement value
2. Access the switch point TEACH mode and TEACH the sensor.
Navigate: MENU > Dx_OUT > TchSPt
"TchSPt Teaching" displays while the
sensor is being taught.
TEACH Accepted
The new value is shown on the second line
of the display and flashes before it is saved
and the sensor returns to "Dx_OUT
TEACH Not Accepted
"FAIL" and a warning message display, and
the sensor returns to "Dx_OUT TchSPt".
Remote Input Instructions
1. Verify the sensor is in Switch mode.
2. Access the TEACH mode.
Single-pulse the remote input.
"RMT TCH" and the current measurement
value display.
3. Present the target.
Present the target.
"RMT TCH" and the target's measurement
value display.
4. TEACH the sensor.
LTF Time of Flight Laser Distance Sensor with IO-Link
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767