Mobile Panel 7100 User's manual 1.51
After a successful restore, the USB flash drive must be removed and the system restarted. A corresponding
message is displayed that must be confirmed with OK.
The Mobile Panel 7120 and 7121 must then be restarted once more in order for the device-specific
key configuration to be set automatically. Duplicating an existing installer with a USB flash drive
It is possible to back up the system settings of a Mobile Panel 7140 and 7150 to a USB flash drive and apply them
to another Mobile Panel.
To do so, the following steps must be carried out:
1. Connect a USB flash drive to the Mobile Panel whose configuration should be copied.
2. The configuration can be backed up on a USB flash drive on service page "Backup & reset" (see
page "Backup & reset"" on page 107
3. Then connect the USB flash drive to another Mobile Panel.
4. Update the Mobile Panel with the backed-up configuration using the corresponding function on service page
"Update" (see
"Service page "Update"" on page 105
). The configuration (settings) can only be used on iden-
tical devices.