– Dynamic Mode
This function switches off the error-message "No data carrier present", i.e.:
In dynamic mode, a read or write telegram is stored until a data carrier enters the
range of the corresponding read/write head.
Without dynamic mode, a read or write telegram is acknowledged with an error
message <NAK> '1' if there is no data carrier present in front of a read/write head; the
processor goes into the ground state.
– CT-Present on Output 1
If CT Present is selected for Output 1, the LED message Data carrier Present is also output
on Output 1. In this way the presence of a data carrier can be directly verified as a digital
hardware signal.
– Process Outputs if CT Present
The output functions are normally processed only after a read command. But since data
carrier recognition is also an automatic tag read (reads first page, either 32 or 64 bytes
depending on type), the output processing can occur simultaneously with Data carrier
Present. If the addresses for output processing are located on the first page, then the
processor can itself carry out short control commands without a seperate command.
-> For very fast transactions, see next section.
– Fast Data carrier Recognition
For very fast transactions, the number of data carrier addresses used for data carrier recog-
nition can be reduced from 32 or 64 bytes to 4 bytes. The data carrier recognition time is
thereby reduced to ca. 50 ms (instead of ca. 150 ms for tags with < 2 kBytes or ca. 250 ms
for data carriers with > 2 kBytes of memory).
-> Please note this when using the parameter "Process outputs with CT-present".
– BIS C-1../02B [x] = yes
This parameter should be switched on when a data carrier of the type BIS C-1../02B is
Menu settings
BIS C-6_0,
Parameter Field
BIS C-6_0
BIS C-6_0
– CRC_16 data checking
If CRC_16 data checking is activated, a special error message is output to the interface
whenever a CRC error is detected.
If the error message is not caused by a failed write request, it may be assumed that one or
more memory cells on the data carrier is defective. That data carrier must then be replaced.
If the CRC error is however due to a failed write request, you must reinitialize the data carrier
in order to continue using it.
The checksum is written to the data carrier as a 2-byte wide datum. Two bytes per page are
'lost', i.e., the page size becomes 30 bytes or 62 bytes depending on data carrier type (see
next page).
Menu settings
BIS C-6_0,
Parameter Field
This means that the actual usable number of bytes is reduced!
*) The last data carrier page for these EEPROM-based data carriers is not fully available.
Data carrier type
Usable bytes
128 bytes
120 bytes
256 bytes
240 bytes
511 bytes *)
450 bytes
1023 bytes *)
930 bytes
2047 bytes *)
1922 bytes
2048 bytes
1984 bytes
8192 bytes
7936 bytes