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When replacing a termination module, verify that:
1. The proper fuse has been installed on the replacement ter-
mination module.
2. All jumper settings on the replacement termination module
are the same as the failed TM.
NOTE: Turn off power to the cabinet before removing the +24 VDC
and ground connection to the ICL.
Follow Steps 1 through 7 to replace the ICL termination unit.
1. Remove the front cover and pull the TM out of the TMU so
that the communication and power cables are accessible.
2. Verify that the cabinet power is off, then disconnect the +24
VDC and ground wiring from TB1 of the termination module.
Mark the cables according to their terminal assignment as you
remove them.
3. Disconnect the coaxial or twinaxial cable from the termina-
tion module. Mark the cables according to their terminal
assignments as you remove them.
4. Remove the faulty termination module.
5. Align the circuit board of the replacement TM with the
guide rails of its assigned slot within the termination mounting
6. Push the circuit board into the TMU, but allow the TM to
partially hang out the front of the TMU. Allow enough room at
the front of the replacement TM to reconnect the communica-
tion cabling and +24 VDC power wiring.
7. After the communication and power cabling have been
replaced, slide the TM into the TMU until its card edge seats in
the card edge connector of the termination module cable on the
backplane of the TMU.
8. Replace the front cover to the termination module.
9. Turn on power to the termination module.
When removing and replacing an NICL01, all loop communica-
tion is lost while the termination module is removed from the
Durant le demontage ou le remplacement d'une carte NICL01,
toute communication avec le reseau est interrompue et ce pen-
dant tout le temps ou la carte est retiree du reseau.