The Serial Port Module (IMSPM01) is an INFI 90
module that
interfaces a computer with modules in a Process Control Unit
(PCU). A computer can connect to an SPM directly or through a
modem. Built-in Serial Port Module (SPM) functions support
Bailey Controls computer or engineering work station software
commands. These functions allow a computer to perform tun-
ing and configuration functions, monitor module status and
transfer data between it and PCU modules.
This instruction explains the module features, specifications
and operation. It details the procedures to follow to set up and
install an SPM. It explains troubleshooting, maintenance and
module replacement procedures.
The system engineer or technician using the SPM should read
and understand this instruction before installing and operat-
ing the module. In addition, a complete understanding of the
INFI 90 Process Management System is beneficial to the user.
® INFI 90 is a registered trademark of Elsag Bailey Process Automation.