5 - 3
set by the SPM jumpers. Refer to
jumper settings.
2. Install the module in the Module Mounting Unit (MMU) fol-
lowing the procedures outlined in
Section 3. Observe the module LEDs to verify proper start-up.
If the module status LED does not light green, refer to Table
to interpret indications and determine corrective actions.
3. Set the diagnostic terminal byte framing and parity to
match the SPM.
NOTE: Make sure the diagnostic terminal power is OFF before con-
necting or disconnecting the RS-232C cable.
4. Connect a RS-232C cable to the faceplate connector to test
port 2, or to the RS-232C connector on the optional Termina-
tion Unit (TU) to test port 1. Refer to
for TU connec-
tions. The cable should be wired for DTE to SPM connection
shown in Figure
5. Connect the other end of the RS-232C cable to the diagnos-
tic terminal, and turn the diagnostic terminal ON.
6. Type any character on the terminal keyboard. The SPM sta-
tus LED group should increment each time a character is
typed, and the terminal monitor should display the typed char-
7. If the terminal or SPM does not respond, check the cable
connection and verify that the byte framing and parity is set
the same for the SPM and terminal. If the test works properly,
continue to next step.
NOTE: Make sure the diagnostic terminal power is OFF before con-
necting or disconnecting the RS-232C cable.
8. If both ports are to be tested, change the RS-232C cable to
serial port connection. Remove the RS-232C cable from the
port it was connected to in step 4 and connect it to the opposite
port (i.e., if connected to port 2, change it to port 1). Reset the
SPM and repeat steps 6 and 7. If the second port is not being
tested, continue to step 9.
9. Remove the SPM and set S4 dipswitch position 3 to
10. Disconnect the diagnostic terminal and connect the SPM
for normal operation.