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Module Bus Checkout Procedures
The module bus checkout tests the SPM module bus commu-
nication. A diagnostic terminal is required to run this check.
By entering command codes at a diagnostic terminal con-
nected to the SPM, the communication between the SPM and
modules on the module bus can be checked.
A fault exists if the SPM does not respond with a reply code
that displays on the terminal monitor. The SPM front panel
status LED group can be observed while running this test to
verify that commands are being received by the SPM. The LEDs
increment each time a command and reply sequence initiates.
To run the test:
1. Set S4 dipswitch position 1 on the SPM to OPEN (OFF) to
enter ASCII mode. Take note of the byte framing and parity set
by the SPM jumpers. Refer to
to interpret the jumper
2. Install the module in the MMU following the procedures
outlined in
in Section 3. Observe the
module LEDs to verify proper start-up. If the module status
LED does not light green, refer to Table
to interpret indica-
tions and determine corrective actions.
3. Set the diagnostic terminal byte framing and parity to
match the SPM.
NOTE: Make sure the diagnostic terminal power is OFF before con-
necting the RS-232C cable.
4. Connect a RS-232C cable to port 1 (i.e., computer port) at
the faceplate connector or the TU. Refer to
for TU
connections. The cable should be wired for DTE to SPM con-
nection shown in Figure
5. Connect the other end of the RS-232C cable to the diagnos-
tic terminal, and turn the diagnostic terminal ON.
6. Press
on the terminal keyboard. The terminal moni-
tor should display
is a reply code that indicates
that an incorrect command has been entered.
NOTE: Refer to the Computer Interface Unit Programmer's Refer-
ence Manual I-E93-905-9 for a complete list of reply codes.
7. Type
. This is the full restart command.
The SPM should reply with
which overwrites the
NOTE: The typed characters DO NOT display on the terminal