Troubleshooting Page
- Exchange the pulser.
- You are in FLT FLT FLT FLT or OK OK OK OK mode (Test in system
This test is only valid for quadrature pulsers.
You have the possibility to test a maximum of 4 quadrature pulsers
connected on the I/O unit.
The position of the message indicates where the position of the pulser
An OK message indicates that the quadrature pulser is well connected.
A FLT (faulty) message indicates that the quadrature pulser is not well
If you connect single pulsers, a FLT message will appear.
1.5.5 Problems with the printers
- Check all the connectors.
- Check the continuity of the cables.
- Check the different printer setup (system menu)
- Check the power on the max 232 of the keypad or I/O unit where the
printer is connected:
if the printer is connected on the I/O unit (ID 0), the max 232 is in U11 –
if the printer is connected to a keypad, the max 232 is in U9 – MAX 232.
With a Voltmeter, check the power between PIN 2 and the GND: you
must have + (8-9) VDC.
Check the power between PIN 6 and the GND: you must have – (8-9)
- If the printer (ticket printer on serial port of the PC) is not working
correctly, check the minimum version of Windows: 3.11.
1.5.6 Problems with the PC software / interface
- Be sure you have well read all the chapter 4: PC card upgrade.
- On the right side of the bottom of the PC screen, there are 8 little
If you have x I/O connected on your system, you must have x little green
Otherwise, you have a network problem.
1.5.7 Explanations for the transaction end codes printed on each transaction ticket
0 Means that the transaction has been stopped after the inactive timeout:
- It's normal in free dispense mode
- The preset quantity has not been totally dispensed
1 In preselect mode, the preset quantity has been totally dispensed:
2 Input error in the pulses sequence: For quadrature pulsers only