Playback Mode Summary Continued...
For advanced users:
Unlike MIDI Note On/Off messages, the deMIDulator basically ignores
all incoming Pitch and Mod information while in Sustain mode. Entering this mode then allows
you to freeze a set of Pitch and Mod values. Say you want to set a persistent pitch bend and
you don't want to hold your spring-loaded pitch wheel in place the entire time; with no MIDI
notes active, simply adjust the Pitch Wheel to where you want it, enter Sustain Mode then
release the Pitch Wheel back to center. Because the deMIDulator is ignoring Pitch information
in this mode, it's not going to realize that the Pitch Wheel value has changed even after you've
exited Sustain mode. You can re-center the Pitch value by selecting a mode that doesn't
ignore Pitch information (Polyphonic or Monophonic) and then bending and releasing the Pitch
Wheel. The reason you need to bend and release the Pitch Wheel is because your MIDI
controller likely only sends Pitch information when the wheel value changes, so you need to
change it then let it fall back to center so the deMIDulator will receive the centered value.
MIDI Modulation values are locked in exactly the same way as Pitch Wheel when entering
Sustain mode.
When in this mode:
The currently active waveform LED will
Blink Quickly
Only 1 MIDI note may be played at a time
Modulation & Pitch values may be changed
Amplitude Attack / Release time envelopes are
In this mode the deMIDulator keeps track of all currently active notes but limits the notes that
you can hear to only the most recent one that you played. This can be demonstrated by
selecting Monophonic mode, playing and holding a chord on a MIDI keyboard and then
selecting Polyphonic mode without releasing the chord. Though the chord only produced
sound from a single note in Monophonic mode, the full chord is heard when switching to
Polyphonic. Attack and Release amplitude envelopes are disabled in this mode, meaning that
all notes will turn on and off, to and from full-amplitude, immediately as you activate and
deactivate them.
Playback Mode Selection
The playback mode can be changed using a few different methods.
Pressing the deMIDulator's “
” button will cycle the playback mode in the direction of:
Additionally, the following MIDI Control Change messages can be used to enter/exit Sustain and
Polyphonic/Monophonic modes.
MIDI Sustain Pedal On
(CC, Controller #64, Value >=64) message will cause the following
playback mode change:
deMIDulator v1.10 User Guide – document version 1.00
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Bad Handshake Electronics 2011