Vehicle Seat Belts
Vehicle Seat Belts
Unsafe Seat Belt Systems:
DO NOT use the following types of vehicle seat belt systems with the
Car Seat. These vehicle seat belt systems will not hold the Car Seat
securely in place at all times. The addition of a locking clip will not make
these vehicle seat belt systems safe to use.
Note: Latch can be used in place of the following unsafe vehicle seat
belt systems if your vehicle is equipped with latch anchorage system.
Lap Belt With Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR):
DO NOT use a vehicle lap belt that stays
loose or does not stay tightly adjusted
after installed and locks only in a crash
or sudden stop. These lap belts utilize
an Emergency Locking Retractor and
are often found in combination with
motorized shoulder belts. Because
these belts will allow the Car Seat to
move about on the vehicle seat, the
chance of the Car Seat being out of
the proper position in a crash is very high.
DO NOT use the Car Seat
with this type of Vehicle Seat Belt system.
Please see your vehicle’s dealer or
owner’s manual for information on
converting this vehicle seat belt system
to one that is acceptable for use with
a Car Seat.
Combination Lap/Shoulder Belt With Retractor:
DO NOT use a vehicle lap/shoulder
belt system if the lap belt and shoulder
belt each have retractors at one end.
This type of vehicle seat belt system
NOT adequately restrain the Car Seat.
Passive Restraint - Lap or Shoulder Belt Mounted
on Door:
DO NOT use a vehicle seat belt that is
connected to the vehicle door in any way.
These types of seat belts are designed
to automatically surround the occupant
when the door is closed. This type of
vehicle seat belt will NOT adequately
restrain the Car Seat.