COOK I-flex
2 people
Observe instructions in the Assembly chapter.
Risk of unit tipping over
The unit can tip over when traversing a slanted surface.
Never move the unit across a surface such as a ramp with an incline > 15°.
Insufficient holding force from castor brakes
The holding effect of the castor brakes may not be sufficient on ramps. The unit can start to
move and cause injuries.
When parking the unit on a ramp, lock the castor brakes and also secure the unit against
rolling away with items such as chocks.
Personal injury and property damage due to unit swerving sideways
The unit can be manoeuvred effectively with the 4 steering castors. However, this means that the
unit can also swerve sideways more easily when traversing ramps, recesses or inclined surfaces.
Carefully push the unit over the ramp, recess or slanted surface with 2 people positioned at
each end of the unit
Damage caused by unit base hitting ground
The unit may hit the ground and become damaged or immovable due to low ground clearance
when traversing ramps, recesses or inclined surfaces.
Use suitable other means of conveyance, such as a pallet truck, to transport the unit over
ramps and inclined surfaces.
To so, place the unit onto a pallet and implement special safety measures, such as blocking
off the hazard area or using additional people to help, when carrying the unit.
Observe the applicable industrial safety regulations and other information in doing so.
Traversing ramps,
recesses, inclined