Electromagnetic compatibility
18 Electromagnetic
WARNING! The Infusomat compact
needs special precautions regarding
EMC. The device must be set up,
powered on and services in accord-
ance with the EMC information in
this section. The safe distances and
ambient/operation conditions specified
must be ensured and complied with.
Portable and mobile RF communica-
tions equipment can affect medical
electrical equipment. Portable RF
communications equipment (radio
communications equipment) (including
its accessories, e.g. antenna cables)
should not be used closer to the
Infusomat compact
P than the safe
distance specified in this section.
Non-compliance could lead to a
decrease in the device’s performance.
Portable and mobile RF comunications
equipment can affect medical electri-
cal equipment.
WARNING! The use of accessories,
transducers, power cords and cables
other than those specified, with the
exception of transducers and cables
sold by B. Braun Melsungen AG
as replacement parts for internal
components, may result in increased
emissions or decreased immunity of
the compact
WARNING! Functional reliability
is only guaranteed if accessories
that have been approved, and
there fore recommended by B. Braun
Melsungen AG, are used. Accessories
are listed in section 20.1.
WARNING! If the equipment is oper-
ated in the vicinity of other equip-
ment which may cause high levels of
interference (e.g. HF surgical equip-
ment, nuclear spin tomography units,
mobile telephones etc.), this equip-
ment may be disturbed. Maintain the
protective distances recommended by
the manufacturers of these devices.
WARNING! In Order to meet with
the following compliance levels, only
original accessories and replace-
ment parts may be used. Otherwise,
there may be increased emissions or
reduced device immunity.
If the device is used in a system
involving other devices (e.g. elec-
tro surgery), this system should be
checked to ensure correct operation
of the system.
CAUTION!: The device is unsafe to use in
proximity to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) equipment. The device must not be
used near a Magnetic Resonance Imaging
unit without protection.
The following guidelines may not be
applicable in all situations. Electro mag-
netic wave propagation is affected by the
absorptive and reflective qualities of the
surrounding structures, objects and people.
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