Setting Up and Moving the GenePix Scanner
Place the GenePix Autoloader 4200AL scanner on a secure laboratory bench top or
reinforced table. The scanner weighs more than 50 kg (110 lb) and requires two
people to lift it. There are four recessed hand spaces underneath the scanner to
assist lifting. Carefully
place the scanner into its final position; do not slide it into
position as this may result in internal damage or misalignment of the optics.
Moving the Scanner
The GenePix Autoloader 4200AL scanner is delivered to you in the “Park”
position, using a slide carrier modified specifically to secure the robot arm for
shipping. This shipping-lock slide carrier has a plastic slide glued into position 36.
Do not
attempt to remove the plastic slide.
Do not
use this slide carrier for routine
scanning, but save it, as it must be in the scanner whenever the scanner is moved.
Always use the Park Scanner utility prior to moving the scanner, whether making a
short move to another location or shipping the scanner a long distance.
Open the Park Scanner utility from the GenePix Utilities program, which can be
found in the
Start Menu / Axon Laboratory / GenePix Pro
GenePix Pro must be closed before opening the GenePix Utilities program.
To park the scanner:
1. Close GenePix Pro, and start GenePix Utilities.
2. Select
Park Scanner for Shipping
3. When prompted by the software, insert the shipping lock slide carrier into
the scanner, and close the scanner door.
4. Wait for the status message indicating that scanner has been parked
5. Immediately turn off scanner power. Do not reopen GenePix Pro, as this
automatically un-parks the scanner.
GenePix 4200AL User’s Guide, Copyright 2005 Axon Instruments / Molecular Devices Corp.