Schedules rely on a clock that has its time saved in Gear. The time saved on Gear deletes if
Gear turns off, is reset, or its firmware is updated. Without a time saved on Gear, it does not fire
any schedules. Schedules must be sent again after any of the mentioned actions. The schedule
entries remain accessible in the AXIS App, but they need to be sent again to sync the time.
Gear does not update time automatically. Gear syncs its time with the mobile device at the
moment that the schedule sends. For example, if the true time is 4 pm, but the phone had a
saved time of 3 pm, the Gear adheres to the time saved on the phone and the schedule fires at
an incorrect real-world time. Every time a schedule is sent, the time is resynced. Because of
this, Gear does not automatically adjust for any form of daylight savings time. A schedule must
be sent again to sync the newly adjusted time.
If there is an error in sending a schedule, the mobile app shows a red exclamation mark beside
the schedule packet. In this case, the app does not know one way or another whether Gear
successfully received a schedule. It is possible that Gear did not receive the packet or that the
app did not receive a successful reply. If this happens, you need to reattempt sending that
specific schedule entry.
Figure 32 Failed Schedule Indicator