Figure 17 Entering Public Mode via AXIS App
Note that Incognito Mode is a newer feature and only available on Gears running firmware 1122
or newer in combination with either iOS app 1.2.32 or Android app 3.3.5 or newer.
Firmware 1122 or newer
- Released 8/2019 and after
Public Mode must be entered before Gear can be added to the AXIS app. Incognito mode is the
Firmware 1061 to 1081
- Released between 8/2018 and 3/2019
Gear will always be in Public Mode. Other mobile devices will always be able to add a Gear to
their install of the AXIS app. Incognito mode is not possible.
Firmware 1036 or older
- Released 1/2018 and earlier
Gear cannot be added to a current version of the AXIS app since it does not recognize the
difference between Public and Incognito modes. If a Gear with firmware 1036 has been added
to an older version of the AXIS app before an update to version 1.2.32 (iOS) or 3.3.5 (Android),
it will continue to work. In this case, a firmware update should be performed IMMEDIATELY. If
the Gear has not previously been added to the AXIS app, then AXIS support should be
contacted and further steps will be provided.