4.4. Outputting detailed accuracy indicator
Output function - Range - Output designated range - Frequency - Accuracy - Remark
DCI DC current - 20mA - 0.000~22.000mA - 0.001mA - 0.2%+4 • Max. load: 1kΩ at 20mA
SIMULATE Simulate transmitter - -20mA - 0.000~-22.000mA - 0.001mA - 0.2%+4
• external power supply: 5~28V
• Max. load: 1kΩ at 20mA
LOOP Loop-circuit power - - - 24V ±10% • Max. output current 25mA
Max. Voltage applied to output terminals: about 32V; Max. current applied to output terminals: about 25mA.
Max. Voltage applied to output terminals: about 32V; Max. current applied to output terminals: about 25mA.
Protection in output terminal :63mA/250V Fast fuse.