2022-05-31 | Technical improvements, changes in design, printing- and other errors reserved. | BA_MIE.pdf |
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Display elements and connectors
The MIE 8-00, MIE 16-00, MIE 4-02 and MIE 3-02 come with one module A.
The MIE 32-00, MIE 8-02 and MIE 6-02 come with two separate modules A and B.
Display elements
The LEDs show the state of the output modulators:
When a modulator is filled with content and the modulator is not overloaded, the corresponding LED lights up green.
If a modulator is on but not filled (without content), the corresponding LED flashs.
If a modulator is overloaded (too much content), the LED lights up red.
In case a modulator is turned off, the corresponding LED is off.
MIE 8-00, MIE 16-00, MIE 32-00
MIE 4-02 und MIE 8-02
MIE 3-02 und MIE 6-02
LEDs 1…16
of module B (MIE 32-00)
LEDs 1…8 of module A (MIE 8-00)
LEDs 1…16 of module A (MIE 16/32-00)
LEDs 1…4
of module B (MIE 8-02)
LEDs 1…4
of module A (MIE 4-02/8-02)
LEDs 1…4
of module B (MIE 3-02)
LEDs 1…3
of module A (MIE 3-02/6-02)