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ECM Generators
ECM generator is provided by CAS supplier to produce ECM messages.
Only used in web interface to easily identify separate ECMG servers
Channel ID <optional>:
‘ECM_channel_id’ used when communicating with ECMG. Some ECMGs require a specific value for
this ID (info if necessary from the CAS supplier). If left empty, device uses some unused random ID.
Remote IP:
IP address of the ECMG server to connect to.
Port of the ECMG server to connect to.
CA system of this ECMG (name from the CAS table)
ECMG server connection status shown as traffic lights
ECM List
ECM contains CAS supplier private information which carries the control word (encryption key) in a secure manner and private
entitlement information. Each ECM entry corresponds to one generated ECM stream. Each SCG requires at least one ECM stream,
otherwise nobody is able to descramble.
ECM Generator:
ECM generator responsible for generating this ECM stream (value from ECM Generator list)
ECM ID <optional>:
‘ECM_id’ used when communicating with ECMG. Some ECMGs may require a specific value for this
(info from CAS supplier). If left empty some random ID is used.
Scrambling Control Group whose control words are transmitted by this ECM (value from SCG table)
Access Criteria:
Arbitrary binary data transmitted to the ECMG. Typically used to tell the ECMG which clients should be able
to decode the ECMs. Format and value is given by CAS supplier.
Private Data:
Arbitrary binary data included as ‘private_data’ in the CA_descriptor of the PMT associated to this ECM (info
from CAS supplier).
ECM stream status shown as traffic lights.