Avira Security Management Center | HowTo
Status: March 2010
11. Windows Installation
11.1. “Unattended“ Installation of the SMC Agents
Alternatively the agent can be installed manually with the setup file or
unattended (f. ex. integrated into the logon scripts).
On the SMC Server the following registry has been generated:
“C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\Avira\Avira Security
Management Center Server\Agent”
Please, enable this registry via the Windows enabling with writing access.
In case of an unattended installation it is not enough to start the file
“insallagent.bat” via the registry enabling. (\\<IP-address-SMC-
The “insallagent.bat” starts the installation (setup.exe) of the SMC Agent and
uses the SMC Server information which is saved in the file “installsmcagent.iss”.
By generating a corresponding batch file (f. ex. uninstallagent.bat) for the
uninstallation of the SMC Agent the “uninstallsmcagent.iss” can be used.
Clients which were not integrated into the security environment before the
unattended SMC Agent installation will be listed in the new group “new
computers” and can be moved afterwards via drag & drop.
You have also the possibility to add new computers to existing groups by means
of the IP address. Therefore you can define an IP address or IP address sectors
as a property of a group. As soon as an SMC Agent is logging on to the SMC
Server for the first time the SMC will integrate it into the corresponding group
according to its IP address.
11.2. Installation of the Avira AntiVir Professional
All AntiVir products that are integrated into the software repository can be
installed via the SMC.
This can be done via a click with the right mouse button
on the designated group and then via “Installation”
“Avira AntiVir
This applies to an installation of the Avira AntiVir Professional Version 10. In the
Version 8 the path to the installation is called “Avira AntiVir Workstation”.
Afterward the window “Setup Configuration” opens and you can choose the
components which shall be installed and the target path: