Avira Security Management Center | HowTo
Status: March 2010
10. Filtering groups
The filtering groups offer a better overview in large networks. You can choose
certain computers to be displayed in one or several virtual group.
The following filters can be chosen for virtual groups:
Computers which report an error status
Computers which reports product error status like an module out of date
or a general module error
Computers on which a special product is not installed
all products which are integrated beneath “software packages” can be
A filtering group shows a special overview of all clients which correspond to the
chosen filter criteria. Tha means the shown computers are not switched into the
virtual group but remain in their previous group. All actions which are proceeded
on the clients in the virtual group will be proceeded directly on the real
In order to create a “filtering group” which filters clients that have not install an
AntiVir Professional you click with the right mouse button on “Security
environment”. The following window appears where you can enter a name for the
new “filtering group”:
Illustration 11: Creation of filtering groups – step 1
After you’ve clicked on “Next” the following window appears where you can
choose one of the offered “filtering groups” (f. ex. “filter computers which have a
specific product not installed”):