Speech Applications Builder Configurator User Guide • May 15, 2004 • page 74 of 116
6. Click on the version number to open a read-only copy of the dialog flow.
Before you can edit a dialog flow, you must check it out, see page 37.
Copying a dialog flow
Copy with the same version number
To copy a dialog flow with the same version number:
1. Right click on the dialog flow icon (not the version number) to display the pop-up Context menu.
2. Select
Copy dialog model and a selected version
. SAB displays the Copy Dialog Model dialog
Figure 70. The Copy Dialog Model dialog box
3. By default, SAB assigns the name “Copy of...” to the new dialog; this may be changed. If more
than one version of the dialog is available, select the version number you require.
4. Click
. SAB displays the new dialog flow in the Dialogs tree. Note that files are displayed in
alphabetical order, so “Copy of...” will be displayed near the top of the tree.
Copy with an incremented version number
Before a dialog flow can be copied with an incremented version number it must be migrated to the Production
Environment, see page 76. The new dialog flow is created in the tool environment.
To copy a dialog flow with an incremented version number:
1. Do one of the following:
right-click on the dialog flow icon (not the version number) to display the pop-up Context menu
and select
Increments the version of the selected dialog version
open the dialog flow and click on the
Increments the version of the selected dialog version
button or select
Dialog Model > Increments the version of the selected dialog version