Speech Applications Builder Configurator User Guide • May 15, 2004 • page 22 of 116
Dialogs buttons
The following buttons are provided when the Dialogs tree is in use. The selection of buttons displayed
is relevant to the task being performed.
Add a Dialog Model
Opens a new dialog flow window complete with Begin Dialog and End Dialog steps.
Imports a Dialog Model from a File
Exports a Dialog Model to a File
Saves the current Dialog Model (all versions)
The Dialog flow is saved to the
SAB database
Check out a Dialog Model
Opens an editable version of the dialog flow and locks out other users. Since SAB is a
multi-user environment, checking in and checking out ensures that only one user can
work on a dialog at any time.
Check in a Dialog Model
Closes the editable version of the dialog flow and makes it accessible to other users
Copy Dialog Model and selected version
Copies the selected version of a dialog flow, creating an exact copy labeled “copy”.
Increments the Version of the Selected Dialog Version
Copies the dialog and places copy in the Tool environment, incrementing the version
number (for example 1.0 becomes 2.0)
Generate War File for Deployment
Deletes the Selected Dialog Model
Migrate Package
Migrates a dialog from one environment to another.
Takes a dialog out of Production
Some of these options are also available from the pop-up Context menu displayed by right clicking on the dialog
flow name in the Dialogs tree.