AVANTI Service Lift for Wind Turbines
6.4 Automatic operation test
Perform this inspection only if the AUTOMATIC
function is installed.
a) Press EMERGENCY STOP button on the
pendant control. Turn the AUTOMATIC/
MANUAL. switch on the electrical control box
to the right to activate automatic operation.
b) Deactivate the EMERGENCY STOP button by
turning the button clockwise. (Check the
EMERGENCY STOP button fixed is deacti
vated.)The service lift should stand still.
c) DO NOT try to activate the “automatic opera-
tion” switch.
d) If the trapped-Key interlock system is installed,
turn the trapped-key switch to ON. With the
doors closed, press the UP and DOWN
buttons. Neither upward nor downward
travel should be possible (Switch in pendant
control holder blocks the operation).
e) Press the EMERGENCY STOP button on the
pendant control.
f) Place the pendant control in its holder so it is
operational from the outside.
g) Leave the cabin and close the door.
h) Deactivate the EMERGENCY STOP button.
The service lift should stand still.
i) Press the UP button. The lift should travel
j) Press the EMERGENCY STOP button. The lift
k) Turn the EMERGENCY STOP button clockwise
and press the DOWN button. The service lift
should travel downwards until the EMERGEN-
CY STOP bottom stops the service lift.
l) Remove the pendant control from holder.
m) Return the AUTOMATIC/MANUAL. button to
n) Check that the UP and DOWN buttons work
6.5 Fall arrest device
a) Ascend electrically approx. 50 centimeters and
observe centrifugal weight during this process.
Activate the fall arrest device by turning the
lock lever counter clockwise (Fig. 7 section 5.7).
b) Verify the engagement with no-power descent
and observe centrifugal weight during this
process. The FAD must hold the load (if this is
not the case, leave the lift and tag it out).
Ascend electrically again to unload the FAD.
Unlock the fall arrest device by turning the
unlock lever clockwise.
c) During operation, regularly (at least once per
each travel up and down) monitor the
centrifugal force regulator relay’s rotation by
looking through the window.
d) There is an alternative method to check the
FAD functionality, called ‘Stomp Test’. The
procedure is explained in the ‘Stomp-test
6.6 Wire ropes
a) Follow the 3 steps below to check that the
traction and safety wire ropes are not tangled
with tower internals.
a.1) Open the top hatch and look upwards in
search of any unusual trajectory deviation of
the traction and safety wire ropes.
a.2) Close the top hatch and ascend with the
service lift to the following platform.
a.3) Repeat steps a.1) and a.2) until the
complete length of the wire ropes is inspected.
a.4) If any wire rope is found tangled, climb up
the ladder and untangle the wire rope by hand.
Then, inform AVANTI.
Fig. 16
stop button
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