1. Unit Characteristics
1. 1 The Unit can measure and display:
Line voltage and THD% (total harmonic distortion) of all phases
2~63rd voltage IHD% (Individual Harmonic distortion) of all phases
Line Frequency
Currents, Current demands and current THD% of all phases
2~63rd current IHD% of all phases
Active power, reactive power, apparent power, maximum power demand and power factor
Active energy imported and exported
Reactive energy imported and exported
Energy of each phase
The HT-1095 is a MID approved panel meter, once you have altered any of the parameters
e.g. Current transformer ratio or voltage ratio and you have come out of the programming
mode you cannot alter them again.
This rule does not apply to the Modbus settings.
1.2 The unit has password-protected set-up screens for:
Communication setting: Modbus address, Baud rate, Parity, Stop bit
CT setting: CT ( Primary) , CT2 ( Secondary), CT rate
PT setting: PT (Primary), PT2 (Secondary) , PT rate
Pulse setting: Pulse output 1, Pulse rate, Pulse time
Demand setting: Demand interval time, demand method
Time setting: Backlit time, display scroll time
Multiple tariff settings
System configuration: System type, System connect, Change password, Auto display scroll
1.3 CT and PT
CT (primary current) 1~2000A
CT2 (secondary current): 1A or 5A
PT (primary voltage): 1~2000V
PT2 (secondary voltage): 100 to 480 V AC (L-L)
1.4 RS485 Serial-Modbus RTU
This unit uses a RS485 serial port with Modbus RTU protocol to provide a means of remote
monitoring and controlling. Please check section 5.2 for the details of setting.
1.5 Pulse output
Two pulse outputs indicate real-time energy measurement. Pulse output 1 is configurable, pulse
output 2 is fixed to active energy, 3200imp/kWh.