6. Specification
6.1 Measured Parameters
The unit can monitor and display the following parameters of a 1 phase 2 wire, 3-phase 3-wire
or 3-phase 4-wire supply.
6.1.1 Voltage and Current
Rated Voltage Input: 3x230/400V 50Hz
Installation Category III (600V)
Rated Current: 5A
Current input range: 5%~120% Ib
Percentage total voltage harmony distortion (THD %) for each phase to N
Percentage current harmonic distortion for each phase
Current on each phase
6.1.2 Power factor and Frequency and Maximum Demand
Frequency in Hz (45~66Hz)
Instantaneous power: Power 0 to 9999MW
Reactive Power: 0 to 9999MVAr
Volt-amps: 0 to 9999 MVA
Maximum demanded power from last reset.
Maximum demand current, from last reset (three phase supplies only)
6.1.3 Energy Measurements
Imported active energy........
Exported active energy.........
Imported reactive energy.....
Exported reactive energy.....
Total active energy................
Total reactive energy............
6.1.4 Accuracy
Voltage VL-N....................
Voltage VL-L.....................
Active power....................
Apparent power..............
Reactive power................
Power factor....................
Active energy...................
Reactive energy...............
6.1.5 Display
Liquid crystal display with backlit (360
Full viewing angles)
4 lines, 4 digits per line to show electrical parameters
5th line, 8 digits to show energy
Bar graph for power indication
Display update time: 1 sec. for all parameters
Display scrolling: automatic or manual (Programmable)
6.1.6 Pulse Output
The pulse outputs can be set to generate pulses to represent kWh/kVarh
Pulse constant: 0.001/0.01/0.1/1/10/100/1000 kWh or kVarh per Pulse
Pulse width: 200/100/60 Ms.
The pulse output is passive type, complies with IEC62053-31 Class A.
6.1.7 Modbus RTU
nterface standard and protocol: RS485 and MODBUS RTU
Communication address: 1~247
Transmission mode: Half duplex
Data type: Floating point
Transmission distance: 1000m Maximum
Transmission speed: 1200bps~38400bps
Parity: None, Odd, Even
Response time: <100 MS
For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can be configured from the
Set-up menu:
Baud rate
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
RS485 network address
– 3-digit number, 001 to 247
Autometers Default Setting:
Baud rate: 9600
Parity: Even
Stop bits: 1
FT: High word first
6.1.8 Dimensions and Material
The meter is a 96 x 96 mm panel mounted meter with a depth of 70mm
The cut out hole for the panel meter is 92 x 92 mm.
Manufactured in Self-extinguishing UL 94 V-0
6.2 Environment
Operating temperature.....................
Storage temperature.........................
Relative humidity...............................
Pollution degree.................................
Protection against dust and water...
Mechanical environment...................
EMC environment...............................
7. Maintenance
In normal use, little maintenance is needed. As appropriate for service conditions, isolate
electrical power, inspect the unit and remove any dust or other foreign material present.
Periodically check all connections for freedom from corrosion and screw tightness, particularly if
vibration is present.
The front of the case should be wiped with a dry cloth only. Use minimal pressure, especially
over the viewing window area. If necessary wipe the rear case with a dry cloth. If a cleaning
agent is necessary, isopropyl alcohol is the only recommended agent and should be used
sparingly. Water should not be used. If the rear case exterior or terminals should be
contaminated accidentally with water, the unit must be returned to Autometers Systems Ltd for
inspection and testing.
8. Installation
The meter may be mounted in a panel with a maximum thickness of 3 mm. Leave enough space
behind the instrument to allow for bends in the connection cables. The unit is intended for use
in a reasonably stable ambient temperature within the range -25°C to +55°C. Do not fit the
meter where there is excessive vibration or in excessive direct sunlight.
Please note terminal covers should be fitted and sealed.
See connection diagram page 21, 22.
8.1 Safety
The unit is designed in accordance with IEC 61010-1:2010 – Permanently connected use, Normal
condition. Installation category III, pollution degree 2, basic insulation for rated voltage.
9. Electrician.
The HT-1095 panel meter should only be installed by a fully qualified electrician who has
knowledge of electricity meters connected with current transformers.
It is the installer who is fully responsible for the safe installation of this meter. It must be
installed to meet the current electrical regulations concerning installation of panel meters.
10. EMC Installation Requirements
Whilst this unit complies with all relevant EU EMC (electro-magnetic compatibility) regulations,
any additional precautions necessary to provide proper operation of this and adjacent
equipment will be installation dependent and so the following can only be general guidance:
Avoid routing wiring to this unit alongside cables and products that are, or could be, a source of
The auxiliary supply to the unit should not be subject to excessive interference. In some cases, a
supply line filter may be required.
To protect the product against incorrect operation or permanent damage, surge transients must
be controlled. It is good EMC practice to suppress transients and surges at the source. The unit
has been designed to automatically recover from typical transients; however in extreme
circumstances it may be necessary to temporarily disconnect the auxiliary supply for a period of
greater than 10 seconds to restore correct operation.
Screened communication leads are recommended and may be required. These and other
connecting leads may require the fitting of RF suppression components, such as ferrite
absorbers, line filters etc., if RF fields cause problems.
It is good practice to install sensitive electronic instruments that are performing critical functions
in EMC enclosures that protect against electrical interference causing a disturbance in function.
During normal operation, voltages hazardous to life may be present at some of the
terminals of this unit. Installation and servicing should be performed only by qualified,
properly trained personnel abiding by local regulations. Ensure all supplies are
de-energized before attempting connection or other procedures.
Terminals should not be user accessible after installation and external installation
provisions must be sufficient to prevent hazards under fault conditions.
This unit is not intended to function as part of a system providing the sole means of
fault protection - good engineering practice dictates that any critical function be
protected by at least two independent and diverse means.
The unit does not have internal fuses therefore external fuses must be used for
protection and safety under fault conditions.
Never open-circuit the secondary winding of an energized current transformer.
This product should only be operated with CT secondary connections Earthed.
If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, protection
provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Auxiliary circuits (communication & relay outputs) are separated from metering inputs
and 110-400V auxiliary circuits by at least basic insulation. Such auxiliary circuit terminals
are only suitable for connection to equipment which has no user accessible live parts. The
insulation for such auxiliary circuits must be rated for the highest voltage connected to
the instrument and suitable for single fault condition. The connection at the remote end
of such auxiliary circuits should not be accessible in normal use. Depending on
application, equipment connected to auxiliary circuits may vary widely.