DPM3 User Manual, 1st Edition
User Manual - DPM3 Series Panel Meters
Configuration Lock Out
The meter is delivered with the programming not locked out, giving access to all the
programming levels. Once completed the meter programming the following security measures
are recommended:
1. Lock out the programming access to prevent from programmed parameters modifications.
2. Lock out Key Pad functions to prevent from accidental modifications.
3. There are two lockout modes: selective and total. If the parameters are going to be readjusted
frequently, make a selective lockout. If no adjustment is going to be made, make a total
lockout. Key Pad functions lockout is always possible.
4. The access to the lockout routine is allowed by entering a personalised code. We recommend
changing the code set at factory and to write down your personalised code and keep it in a
safe place.
The access to the programming routines to read data is allowed even if all parameters are locked
out totLC=1, but
it won t be possible to enter or modify data
. In this case, when entering in
the programming mode, the display shows the indication “
When only some parameters are locked out, all configuration data can be read but
only non
protected parameters can be modified
. In such case, when entering in the programming
mode, the display shows the indication
Menus or submenus that can be locked out are:
• Relay 1 configuration (SEt 1). If present in meter.
• Relay 2 configuration (SEt 2). If present in meter.
• Relay 3 configuration (SEt 3). If present in meter.
• Relay 4 configuration (SEt 4). If present in meter.
• Input configuration (InPut).
• Display (diSP).
• Display color (CoLor).
• Relay setpoints value (SPVAL). If present in meter.
• Analog output configuration (Anout). If present in meter.
• Logic inputs configuration (LoGIn).
• Programming of the key TARE (tArE).
• Direct access to MAX. and MIN values (MAHMn).
“diSP” , “FiltP” and “tARE” do not appear when the instruments configured for temperature