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SL93x + TBV327-MT-EN
p. 15/40
The references in this chapter refer to the illustrations on ch.2.2.
The Swing Gates and Turnstiles (named hereafter "Gates") are bidirectional pivoting access
control units that allow passage in both directions.
They have a steel
central column
fixed to the floor containing the
control board (10)
the drive unit. The central column is equipped with 1 or 3
glass obstacles (3)
The gate is unlocked by an external command (pushbutton, card readers, etc.). According to the
selected mode, the obstacle then starts to turn automatically (in the authorized direction of
passage) or on light pressure.
The movement of the obstacle is transmitted by a geared motor driven by a
variable speed
controller (6)
, which allows the opening and closing speed to be adjusted.
The opening angle can be set to 60° or 90° (SL93x) and 120° (TBV) in both directions.
The direction of rotation and the position of the obstacle are determined by a
position encoder
The obstacle stays open for a period set by a parameter and then closes again automatically.
Movement sequence:
The obstacle opens at high speed (HS) from the starting point (= passage closed).
From an angle set by a parameter (parameter " HSP > LSP angle opening"), the
obstacle completes its movement at low speed (LSP).
The obstacle registers a stopping time (set by parameter) in the open position (the
opening angle can also be set by parameter).
The obstacle is maintained at low speed against the limit stop.
The obstacle closes again at high speed.
From a chosen angle (parameter " HSP > LSP angle closing", the obstacle completes its
movement at low speed (LSP).
When the obstacle reaches its closed position, the bolt is engaged.
Speed and angle parameters
Speeds, angles and delays are adjustable
and are identical for clockwise and counter-clockwise opening directions.
HSP > LSP angle opening
HSP > LSP angle closing
Opening angle clockwise
(= 0°)
Stop time
Direction A