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centration the frost protection and the cooling efficiency are
reduced again.
• The vehicle must be parked on a level surface.
Step 1 - checking coolant level:
– Check coolant level (according to marking -illustration-) in ex‐
pansion tank with engine cold.
– If coolant level is too low: Add required amount (using correct
mixture ratio)
– If fluid losses are greater than can be reasonably expected:
First use a leak test determine the cause ⇒ Engine; Rep. gr.
19 ; Cooling system/coolant; Checking cooling system for
leaks .
Step 2 - checking anti-freeze:
– Use a pipette to place a drop of coolant on glass of refractom‐
eter - T10007 A- . Light-dark border will now be clearly visible
through refractometer.
– Check level of anti-freeze protection using corresponding
scale on refractometer; to do so, read off value on light-dark
– If anti-freeze protection level does not meet specification in
Maintenance table: Perform following measures:
Anti-freeze protection level: Evaluation/measure:
> Specification
Depending on deviation from specification, remove a small amount of coolant
and replace it with distilled water. Repeat procedure until coolant mixture meets
correct specification.
< Specification
Depending on deviation from specification, remove a small amount of coolant
and replace it with coolant additive. Repeat procedure until coolant mixture
meets correct specification.
– Check coolant additive concentration once more following
road test.
Audi A8 2010 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 11.2014
3. Maintenance