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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Read off and evaluate oil level on display.
– If necessary, correct oil level:
Oil level
At “max”
Drain engine oil until level meets optimum level.
Just under “max”
Optimum oil level.
Significantly under “max” Fill up engine oil to optimum level (close bonnet to refresh oil level display).
The oil level display on the MMI is not refreshed when the
bonnet is open.
A warning lamp in the driver information system indicates that
the level is too low.
Poly V-belts for ancillaries: checking
Risk of engine damage if camshaft drive slips.
♦ Turn crankshaft only in normal direction of engine rotation.
This maintenance item only applies to certain countries: Note
specification in Maintenance table.
12-cyl. petrol engine 6.3 ltr. FSI
8-cyl. diesel engine 4.2 ltr. TDI
12-cyl. petrol engine 6.3 ltr. FSI
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Audi A8 2010 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 11.2014
3. Maintenance