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Engine mounting (right-side):
– Unplug electrical connector -arrow- on right electrohydraulic
engine mounting solenoid valve - N145- .
– Remove bolts -1 ... 4- and detach engine support with engine
Continuation for both sides:
– Unscrew bolt -arrow- and remove engine mounting from en‐
gine support.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order; note the following:
– Install subframe ⇒ Rep. gr. 40 .
– Install anti-roll bar ⇒ Rep. gr. 40 .
Tightening torques
⇒ “5.1 Assembly mountings - exploded view”, page 45
Removing, installing and adjusting
mounting for torque reaction support
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Electric drill
♦ Stepped centre bit (∅ 24 mm)
– Open quick-release fasteners -1- and remove noise insulation
– Remove both front wheels ⇒ Rep. gr. 44 .
– Remove front sections of front wheel housing liners (left and
right) ⇒ Rep. gr. 66 .
– Remove bumper cover (front) ⇒ Rep. gr. 63 .
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
Rep. gr.10 - Removing and installing engine