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– Detach coolant hoses -1- and -3-.
– Unscrew bolt -2- and remove auxiliary radiator.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order; note the following:
Secure all hose connections with the correct type of hose clips
(same as original equipment) ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue .
– Install bumper cover (front) ⇒ Rep. gr. 63 .
– Fill cooling system
The coolant in the entire system must be changed if the radiator
is renewed
Tightening torques
⇒ Fig. ““Auxiliary radiator - tightening torques”“ , page 214
⇒ Fig. ““Air duct for auxiliary radiator - tightening torque”“ ,
Removing and installing radiator cowl
– Drain off coolant
– Unplug electrical connector -arrow- going to radiator fan.
– Remove air duct (left and right) -arrows-.
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
Rep. gr.19 - Cooling