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13 - Oil retention valve
14 - O-ring
❑ Renew
15 - 9 Nm
16 - 9 Nm
17 - Oil pipe
18 - O-ring
❑ Renew
19 - Dowel sleeve
❑ 2x
20 - Drive shaft for coolant pump
21 - Gasket
❑ Renew
22 - Oil pump
❑ Do not dismantle
❑ With pressure control valve: approx. 5.5 bar
❑ Removing and installing
23 - Oil pump drive shaft
24 - 8 Nm + turn 90° further
❑ Renew
25 - Gasket
❑ Renew
26 - 9 Nm
27 - Intake connecting pipe
❑ For oil pump
28 - Oil strainer
❑ Clean
29 - Baffle plate
30 - 5 Nm + turn +45° further
❑ Renew
31 - Rubber buffer
32 - 9 Nm
33 - Seal
❑ Renew
34 - Oil drain plug, 25 Nm
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
1. Lubrication system