Functionalities of the interface board
Picture 34 – Interface board of RA.Store-3
The interface board shows the following parts (Picture 34):
Graphic display with capacitive keyboard (6): it shows information regarding to the functioning of the system
and it allows to interact with it.
Key Enter (8) and key Esc (7): together with the display they allow to interact with the system.
Status led lights of the system:
Active system (3): switched on if the system is active and switched off if the system is not active.
Solar (1): switched on if the panels are supplying energy to the system, switched off in the opposite case.
Grid (4): switched on if the public electric grid functions correctly, switched off in case of blackout, and
flashing in case of blackout and run down battery.
WiFi Communication (5): switched on if the system is communicating the data regarding its functioning
through the WiFi card (optional), flashing if the system cannot communicate its data, and switched off if
the WiFi communication is not activated.
Fault (2): switched on or flashing if there is an active alarm, switched off in the opposite case.
Status led lights of the battery (9): led lights represent visually the amount of energy in the battery. Moreover
the discharge and recharge phases are indicated with particular sequences of switching on of the led lights.
Hidden button: it is located in the bottom right angle of the display. It is used for accessing the setting up
menu of the machine.