and y refers to the displayed value after the correction.
* As for the ultra-lower limit, lower limit, upper limit, ultra-upper limit alarms and value of return difference,
attention should be paid to: the range of the ultra-lower limit, lower limit, upper limit, ultra-upper limit alarms and
value of return difference is -9999~19999, and the input methods are the same as those of the measurement range.
Alarm function: Off: the alarm function is turned off, and On: the alarm function is turned on. Alarming
contact: choose the serial number of the relay contact, D001 to D018 corresponds to No. 1 to No. 18 relay contact
output, and No means there is no output.
Operation: press "Left" and "Right" keys to move the cursor; pres the "Up", "Down", "Page Down" and
"Page Up" to choose the content needed, press "Ok" key to confirm the operation, and press "Exit" Key to exit
from this menu. (The dialogue window for storage prompt will pop up of the "Exit" key is pressed when there is
any correction to bit number, signal type, unit, or measurement range, and then the "OK" key can be pressed to
exit from the menu). The parameters of the configuration channel number to be copied can be copied to other
channel by using "Copy" and "Paste" key. For example, the parameters of channel 01 can be copied to channel 02
by pressing "Copy" key when the cursor is stopped on channel 01 of the configuration channel and pressing
"Paste" key when the cursor is moved to channel 02. The configuration time will be greatly reduced if the
configurations of several channels are the same. Introduction of the Input Method of the "Bit Number" of the Channel Configuration
This instrument adopts T6 input method, a input method similar to that of the cellphone keyboard that can
realize the input of Chinese characters, number, English words and special symbols. It uses the international code
that resolves the problems regarding Chinese characters' bit number and input special units that is easy to learn to
operate. The following menu for the input method will appear when the cursor is moved to "Bit number" and then
the "Ok" key is pressed.
: Display field: show the input characters
: Soft keyboard: 26 phonetic alphabets will be displayed if it is under Pinyin input method, and 26 capital
letters will be displayed if it is under Capital Letter input method;
26 lowercase letters will be displayed if it is under lowercase letter input method, and the number from 0 ~ 9
will be displayed if it is under numeric input method, and 30 special symbols will be displayed if it is under the
special symbol input method, such as short horizontal line and decimal points.
: Pinyin group display filed (limited to the Pinyin input method).
: Character field (limited to Pinyin input method).
: Input method field for choosing the needed input method.
: Operation keys:
Press the "Left", "Right", and "Up" keys to move the cursor to choose the characters in need.
Press the "Cursor" key: move the cursor to the input method field to switch the input method;
will pop
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