The "OK" key can be pressed to confirm the execution; and the "Exit" key can be pressed to exit from this
menu, the dialogue window of "the recording of the above changes will be stopped and new files will be created
to continue the recording" will pop up, and the "OK" key should be pressed to finally exit from the menu.
4.12.3 Displaying Configuration
* LCD off: 5 m later, 10 m later, 30 m later, 1 h later and Never are optional;
* Cycling interval: the time intervals between the present and the next group of things and there is 4 s, 8 s, 15
s and 30 s optional;
* Startup picture: the real-time curve, bar chart, digital display, historical curve, file list and power-down
record are optional for startup picture
* Curve group: each curve group concludes 6 curves, and there are 10 curve groups available that users can
choose any one based on their demands. The selected curve group will be displayed on the real-time curve menu;
* Start: the curve group will be displayed on the real-time curve menu if "Yes" is selected and will not be
displayed if "No" is selected;
* Curve 1-6: the name of the channel to be displayed, and "Display" and color of the curve should be
Operation: in this menu
The cursor can be moved by pressing the "Left" or the "Right" key;
The required contents can be selected by pressing "Up", "Down", "Page Down", and "Page Up" keys;
Exit from the menu by pressing “Exit”. The dialog box of “Save changed parameters?” will pop up in case of
any change to the contents, and then select “Yes” to save the changed parameters while select “No” if not.
4.12.4 Channel Configuration
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Paperless Recorder