: Serial number: It is the serial number for the alarm generated, and is arranged in time order. The smaller
the interval between the occurrences of an alarm, the larger the serial number is.
: Channel: It is the number of the input channel for the alarm generated.
: Bit number: It is the corresponding bit number of the input channel for the alarm generated.
: Alarm time: It means the starting time of an alarm.
: Time of cancelling alarm: It is the end time of an alarm.
: Alarm type: The symbol for ultimate upper limit alarm is "HH", and that for upper limit alarm is "H", for
lower limit alarm "L", for ultimate lower limit alarm "LL".
: Current state of relay: From the left to the right, it means the current states of 1-18 limit relays
respectively; green means the relay contact is off, while red means the relay contact is closed.
: Operation keys:
Press the "Switch" key to switch to other displays
Press the "Up" key to check the alarm list upwardly
Press the "Down" key to check the alarm list downwardly
Press the "Page Up" key to check the alarm list of the previous page
Press the "Page Down" key to check the alarm list of the latter page
Note: 13 alarm records are displayed on one screen in terms of this list.
4.8 File List Menu
This menu is for displaying the stored information and storage states of the files. At most 100 file list records
can be kept, and the new records will replace the former ones when there are 100 records.
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