Opposite direction of compressor rotation
Reversed sequence of el. phases
Change termination of two supply conductors
The aggregat supplies little air quantity
Suction filter soiled
Leakage in the compressor
Clean up, replace
Manufacturer´s service
No air pressure can be reached
Loss of oil filling
Check on
Manufacturer´s service
Machine runs-up heavily
Low ambient temperature
Heavy oil
Compressor under pressure (not unloaded)
Machine heat-up, use another oil type
Use the right oil type
Check on, manufacturer´s service
Machine turns-off before the required pressure is reached
Defective pressure switch, incorrect pressure setting
Defective electromotor overcurrent protection
Electromotor overloading
Check on, manufacturer´s service
Check on, manufacturer´s service
Check on the elctromotor loading
Safety valve blows off
Defective valve
Defective pressure switch, incorrect pressure setting
Check on, manufacturer´s service
Check on, manufacturer´s service
Oil in pressure air
Clogged oil drawing off
Defective separator element
Clean up the oil drawing off connection
Check on, aptly replacement
Survey of faults shown serves for the customer ground orientation in case of compressor or its parts defects.
Faults leading to machine shut down are signalized on control board display.
By fault occurence establish contact with authorized manufacturer´s service immediately..
At 1046 / N1