Atmel AVR8015
Figure 4-14.
Library file and path included.
Here the path included is not relative to the output file. Output file is located inside
release folder (\AVR 8015\Completed_Tasks\QMatrix\Tasks\Task2\Release). The
library path has to come out of one location with respect to release folder, so that the
library file path included properly. By adding one “../ “in the path leads to control come
out of one location.
Missing the above step causes build error. Build error shows that the
corresponding file is not found.
Figure 4-15.
Included library file path with respect to release folder location.
5. Similarly include library path and library file in Debug profile also.
Include touch header files.
1. To use the touch keys, first we need to add #include “
” to
our list of include files. This will make the Atmel QTouch Library API available.
Add it under the following comment in the
/* now include touch_api_at32uc3l.h with the localization defined above */
3. Open Project properties and select tool chain tab.